With years of growing experience, Green Dragon co-founders Glenn Standridge and Manny Seferdijian quickly found success as they opened Green Dragon dispensaries in the Bay Area and across the greater Los Angeles region.
Their product was popular, but the logistics and management became challenging as the company grew.
“When you’ve got a guy ordering for one store, no problem,” says Glenn. But as they opened additional locations, their buyer became overwhelmed.
By the time they opened their 6th store, Glenn and Manny realized that their approach to ordering had to evolve to match their growing operation.
Green Dragon turned to Prelude to help their buyer manage the growing amount of stock he had to order.
Implementation was easy: a simple integration with Green Dragon’s Metrc system was all it took for Prelude to automatically prepare upcoming orders. Glenn emphasizes that the buyer remains a crucial part of the success of their company.
“He still curates the shop,” he says. “The menu changes, new items come on, and trends change.” But the key difference is that Prelude does all the hard and complicated calculations required to make sure the orders are optimized.
“Prelude provides the foundation for our buying,” Glenn says. “In the hands of a professional it’s an incredibly powerful tool.”
Almost immediately, Green Dragon saw dramatic improvements in all the key metrics of their business:
Gross Profit
Order Costs
Inventory Value
What these statistics don’t capture is the amount of time saved and fewer errors in their ordering.
“Prelude‘s ability to create immediate impact is amazing,” Glenn says, highlighting the dramatic reduction in excess and dead inventory that reduced investment requirements and increased profit.
“Prelude is a game-changer, and the product is lightyears ahead of anyone else.” The bottom line? “Prelude lets us compete better.”
Create your free Prelude Starter account or book a demo to see Prelude in action.